Sunday, December 20, 2009

East elevation

The façade that faces onto Baker Street

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Image of typical office floor

This image was taken in October 2006 while the building was being reconstructed. It is a photograph of Level 4 showing a typical office floor following the demolition of the former floor. The existing slabs have been stripped in preparation for the casting of new infill slabs.

Source of information : Annual 3 of Make Projects Book

Section of the front of the building

The shaded in area is the cross section of the atrium. Underneath the buidling there is a parking area.

Section of the whole building :

Plan of the ground floor

There isn't much detail put on my plan of the back of building because I wasn't allowed visit that part of it so therefore I do not know what it looks like. This plan shows the main entrance area including the reception and waiting areas.